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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bath Day

For as long as I have had her, I have prided myself on the fact that my dog doesn't smell like a dog. Truthfully, I used to wash her with Herbal Essences so she smelled like flowers. And her fur was silky soft :). 

But Sugar spent about the last 3 1/2 weeks before my wedding at gramma and granddaddy's house, then we moved, and lack of an adequately sized wrench kept us from giving her a bath (to attach our dog washing hose to the shower head. A cup and water just doesn't work on Sugar. She is too big. She fights back too much. Just No. We need the hose). So we finnally got around to borrowing my Dad's wrench over the weekend and attached our hose to the shower head. Seriously. If you have a big dog, get one. It will change your life. 

But in the mean time Sugar has been getting more and more stinky. And she has picked up a neat little habbit - sprawling across Mommy and Daddy's bed when we aren't around. Nice. GROSS! Granddaddy invites Sugar to come and cuddle with him on their bed all the time, so she thinks its free game anywhere. Wrong little white and tan pup. WRONG. The other morning after I left for work, she actually jumped into the bed with David as if to say, "thank goodness she's gone." 

She had forgotten what being called into the bathroom means (I know. So wrong/gross that it has been so long since we've bathed her). But she quickly remembered as we closed the door behind her and she starred with doom into the shower and saw that dang hose. It took a small amount of wrestling, but we got her in the shower and closed the door behind her (note: LOVE glass shower doors when bathing a 70 lb dog who doesn't like to be wet). 

I am not saying that jumping into our bed is okay now that she doesn't smell anymore. But it wont make me cringe like it did when she smelled like....well I won't say - but its not nice. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

New Beginnings

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't posted anything in a while. Sorry about that. I was having a moment. To be honest. I was feeling a little self conscious about my little blog here. I, as many may know, L.O.V.E. reading blogs. I waste many an hour on my couch reading some of my favs. And over the past few weeks (I feel so silly saying this) I felt like I don't have an interesting enough life to blog. So I have just been telling myself that (fill in the blank) wasn't good enough to blog about, or I don't have a cute baby to tell stories about, or what-have-you. Ha. Dumb girl.

Then I realized - I think that I am the person that reads my blog the most. Haha. I like to blog and then read back to what I wrote a few months ago (I just stumbled across a post I had written about my wedding decor - never got around to finishing it and posting it for you to read. Sorry. Maybe I will.) It's sort of like having a diary, but only without the drama - I save that for my Mama, not the world wide web. Sorry Folks.

So here is the deal. I am trying to commit to writing everyday. Think I can do it? I don't either. But I'm going to give it an honest shot. So please bare with me and the sometimes not, sometimes very exciting adventures of Megan, David, and Sugar :)
