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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pumpkin Yuck

Growing up, I always remember my Mom decorating the house for the different seasons. Obviously, Christmas was a big one, because we always decorated the house together as a family after church. And. It was Christmas. What kid in the their right mind doesn't love Christmas decorations? Because where there are Christmas decorations, there are PRESENTS!! 

SO, being inspired by mommy dearest (as I often am) I have decided it is time in my life to begin decorating my house for the seasons. Im not big on Halloween. I am actually a claimed "month-of-october-hater" because everything is so scary everywhere. Every single day I have to cover my eyes and ears at least once while I'm watching TV because some zombie monster is walking through smoke towards me swinging a hatchet over is head. Im a wimp, I know. 

Having confessed all of that, I decided that instead of decorating this season with Halloween decorations, I would go for a more happy, pretty fall decor. I'll post more pictures of everything I have put in place in another post. This one is strictly devoted to the fun I had last Saturday night with the BF and BF (boyfriend and best friend) carving pumpkins. 

Now I know what you're thinking. Megan, you just said you hated Halloween. Why did you decorate with Jackolanterns???  Thank you for asking. 

A month and a half or so ago I was reading Eddie Ross' blog and saw his project for perforated pumpkins. I was totally inspired. SO. I asked David to have a date to the pumpkin patch with me. He obliged. Because he is the best. 

Now. I have learned that there are two kinds of people in this world. People who appreciated the inside-of-the-pumpkin yuck and those who do not. I am one of those people who DO NOT appreciate the yuck. Teri Hill is. Teri Hill is also a person who thinks its funny to shove the pumpkin yuck in front of people who do not appreciate it until they touch it. Exhibit A.

I eventually gave in just so the pumpkin yuck would not be forced upon me. Teri was happy she won.

Back to perforated pumpkins. David took on the roll of top-cutter-offer.

....while I did the drilling (drilling of pumpkins??? Read Eddie's blog, seriously. He is a genius!)

and Teri played with the yuck and drew the letters for the monograming on the pumpkin

Oh yea. And posed with the pumpkins

She's fun. I like her : )

And look what they looked like when they were done. Quite possibly the cutest thing of your life, right?

And I will say, that now when I walk through my front door I am pleasantly greeted with NOT SCARY October appropriate decor.

1 comment:

  1. Um, first of all, I can't see the monograms very well. But what I can see of them, they look awesome! How did you carve them? I tried this also with one of our pumpkins this year and let me tell you, mine are no where as cute as yours!
