SO, being inspired by mommy dearest (as I often am) I have decided it is time in my life to begin decorating my house for the seasons. Im not big on Halloween. I am actually a claimed "month-of-october-hater" because everything is so scary everywhere. Every single day I have to cover my eyes and ears at least once while I'm watching TV because some zombie monster is walking through smoke towards me swinging a hatchet over is head. Im a wimp, I know.
Having confessed all of that, I decided that instead of decorating this season with Halloween decorations, I would go for a more happy, pretty fall decor. I'll post more pictures of everything I have put in place in another post. This one is strictly devoted to the fun I had last Saturday night with the BF and BF (boyfriend and best friend) carving pumpkins.
Now I know what you're thinking. Megan, you just said you hated Halloween. Why did you decorate with Jackolanterns??? Thank you for asking.
A month and a half or so ago I was reading Eddie Ross' blog and saw his project for perforated pumpkins. I was totally inspired. SO. I asked David to have a date to the pumpkin patch with me. He obliged. Because he is the best.
Now. I have learned that there are two kinds of people in this world. People who appreciated the inside-of-the-pumpkin yuck and those who do not. I am one of those people who DO NOT appreciate the yuck. Teri Hill is. Teri Hill is also a person who thinks its funny to shove the pumpkin yuck in front of people who do not appreciate it until they touch it. Exhibit A.
I eventually gave in just so the pumpkin yuck would not be forced upon me. Teri was happy she won.
Back to perforated pumpkins. David took on the roll of top-cutter-offer.
....while I did the drilling (drilling of pumpkins??? Read Eddie's blog, seriously. He is a genius!)
and Teri played with the yuck and drew the letters for the monograming on the pumpkin
Oh yea. And posed with the pumpkins
She's fun. I like her : )
And look what they looked like when they were done. Quite possibly the cutest thing of your life, right?
And I will say, that now when I walk through my front door I am pleasantly greeted with NOT SCARY October appropriate decor.