I woke up, rolled over, and I saw Sugar fast asleep in her "house." I suddenly became overwhelmed with this feeling of sadness for her that she will be moving next week from her sweet, sweet Tallahassee. But then I thought to myself, you won't be long after her Meg.
As we all know, David and I are moving to Fort Lauderdale after we get married (in 28 days!). I've known this for a few months but it hasn't really hit me until the past few days. Sure, I've thought about it. But I haven't really felt the reality of it until the other day when I became sad that Sugar was moving.
I never thought, six years ago when I moved here, that this place would become home to me. But it has. I was trying to think about when Tallahassee became my home instead of Fort Lauderdale the other day. I think it was around the time that I started working here. Suddenly I was contributing to this community. It was no longer just a college town where I went to school and then went home whenever I didn't have class. I no longer only hung out with only my twenty-something friends. I made new friends at work, at church. I grew up. And I think that when you finally grow up, the place where you do it becomes very special to you.
This morning I was driving through town after I got off work. I drove down Monroe street. Past the Breuggers that I used to go to. Past Lake Ella, where I ran with my big brother the first couple years of college and where Sugar saw her first duck. Park Avenue where they have festivals and where my college ministry used to meet. It was the first time I truly felt heartache about leaving this town. Such sweet memories here that I pray I will never forget.
But. Life changes. I hate change. It terrifies me. I guess I'm afraid that the wonderful times that I'm leaving will somehow be lost. But I need not to live in the past and old memories. I need to be excited for the new people God will introduce into my life. The new memories David and I will make as a family. To see the plan that God has for us unfold. How exciting!! Why should I be afraid of that? God has been faithful before when I've gone through big life changes, and he will be faithful again.
May the fun times, and happy memories of Tallahassee never be forgotten and may I be excited to see what is in store for the next chapter of my life (as a Legate!!)